25-year-old stuns TikTok with tour of her ‘insane’ 3-story New York City apartment: ‘What’s the rent here?’ – Yahoo Lifestyle

A 25-year-old dropped jaws online after giving a tour of her three-story New York City apartment.

The now-viral video comes courtesy of a TikTok user named Tita (@titatots). Her clip shows off the apartment she and her boyfriend share in New York’s East Village.

New York City apartments have long been a point of interest on TikTok, but usually for bad reasons rather than good ones. In the past, users have shown off places with “nauseating” hallway designs and units so small that they don’t have a kitchen or bathroom.

Tita’s video sparked a much more positive reaction — although some viewers were certainly jealous of her “insane” living situation. Many viewers asked how a 25-year-old could afford something so luxurious.

“Things that don’t make sense for a 20-something to have in their NYC apartment,” Tita captioned the video.

In the short clip, Tita reveals that she has a spacious, three-story apartment with a 500-square-foot patio, a built-in wine cooler and a “Carrie Bradshaw-sized closet.” It’s clear from the video that she also has a full-sized piano in her living room.

TikTok users were blown away by the place.

“Screaming, crying — this is insane,” one user wrote.

“What’s the rent here?” another asked.

“I’m just obsessed,” another wrote.

Other users asked Tita how she managed to afford it. Some suggested she was getting financial help from her parents — a claim both Tita and several TikTokers called out as being sexist.

“Kinda odd how everyone’s assuming her parents pay for it,” one user wrote. “But if it was a 25-year-old man in tech, I’m almost positive these comments would be so different.”

“No need to minimize another women’s success … your internalized misogyny is showing,” Tita replied to a commenter, who accused her of using “daddy’s money” to pay for her apartment.

For those curious about how Tita actually pays for the incredible apartment, she’s previously shared videos about her career journey and how she got to her current job. She’s also continued sharing tours of her apartment because TikTokers just can’t seem to get enough.

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