Texas toddler orders 31 McDonalds cheeseburgers with moms phone – New York Post

Parents be warned: If your toddler gets ahold of your phone, he or she could be entertaining themselves with pictures or music, but they could also be arranging a fast food banquet.

A Texas two-year-old was doing the latter, local CBS8 reported, when he ordered 31 McDonald’s cheeseburgers to be delivered via DoorDash.

“My son was playing with my phone. I thought he was taking pictures, but when I looked back on my thing it was ordered at the time he was playing with my phone,” the boy’s mother, Kelsey Burkhalter Golden, told the local CBS affiliate.

At $1.89 each, which is the price listed on DoorDash for a cheeseburger in Kingsville, where Golden lives, that comes to $58.59 before taxes.

The mother made the best of the situation, offering to give away the burgers to anyone who wanted them. She posted a picture on Facebook showing the child sitting on a table next to a pile of them, letting people know the burgers were up for grabs.

A Texas toddler surprised his mom when he ordered 31 burgers from McDonald's on her phone on May 16, 2022.
“My son was playing with my phone. I thought he was taking pictures,” Kelsey Burkhalter Golden, told a local news station.
A Texas toddler surprised his mom when he ordered 31 burgers from McDonald's on her phone on May 16, 2022.
The order cost $58.59 before taxes.
A Texas toddler surprised his mom when he ordered 31 burgers from McDonald's on her phone on May 16, 2022.
Golden offered to give away the burgers to anyone who wanted them.

Golden suggested she take safeguards to ensure she doesn’t wind up with any surprise Happy Meals in the future.

“I guess I need to hide the app or something because DoorDash is not protected,” Golden said.

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