Oracle In Talks to Buy Medical Records Giant Cerner – WebProNews

Oracle is in talks to buy medical records giant Cerner, in a move that puts it on a collision course with its larger rivals.

Oracle has been making headway in the cloud market, but still lags behind the top three: AWS, Microsoft, and Google Cloud. Cloud companies of all sizes are working to expand their markets, and the medical industry is a prime target. Microsoft acquired healthcare AI firm Nuance, and Google made a bid for the healthcare market with its Project Nightingale, before ultimately disbanding the effort.

Oracle appears to be making its own bid for the healthcare market, with talks to purchase Cerner Corp, a leading electronic-medical-records company. According to The Wall Street Journal, the deal could be worth as much as $30 billion, which would make it the largest acquisition in Oracle’s history.

According to WSJ’s sources, the deal could be finalized soon. If it goes through, it could help Oracle make significant headway in the cloud market, and add to the company’s reputation for offering a full end-to-end solution.

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